Table Of Contents
1) Article: Defensive Tactics For A Club Attack
- Many articles include pictures and/or graphics, so we thought we’d ratchet it up a notch!
- (Let us know what you think of our video approach by clicking on and taking our brief survey at the end of the article.)
2) Philosophy Of The Week: THE IMPORTANCE OF BELIEF
3) All New – Self-Improvement / Self Help Audio Series
4) Edition 6 Of: What Would Dexter Do?
5) FREE Online Wing Chun Mini-Courses (Hypnotherapy Courses Also Available)
1) Article
NOTE: We’re testing something new. We are incorporating short video clips as part of the article. Let us know what you think by taking our short survey after this article.
Defensive Tactics For A Club Attack
by Philip Holder PhD.
Medical Coordinator – BodySmart Wellness
Grandmaster – North American Wing Chun Association
From copyrighted material. Copyright Philip Holder 2016 – 2017
Grandmaster, North American Wing Chun Association
Most Common Club Assaults
The two most common club attacks/defenses are the overhead/vertical swing and the horizontal swing. All angles in between a vertical swing and a horizontal swing (e.g.: 40 degree angle etc.), are treated as either one or the other of the two already mentioned. This is the beauty of Wing Chun… SIMPLICITY.
Recognizing The Danger
In the vast majority of cases, when an attacker swings a club, the club’s path is circular with the attackers shoulder being, for all intents and purposes, the axis. When someone swings with a club, the path created by the part of the club held in the attackers hand will form a small circle, while the path of the end of the club (farther from the attackers hand) will create a larger circle. Both circles begin and end at the same time. This means that the far end of the club (the same mass) is traveling faster and therefore will exert a greater impact. It’s just physics.
As well, when the club is swung by the attacker, the greatest danger would be to find yourself in the clubs path at the perimeter of the circle (The end of the club traveling faster/The Power End of the club). That leaves 2 options as places of safety… outside of the circle, or inside the circle. The problem with stepping back and outside of the circle (Away from the power end of the club) is… you have given the attacker the option to swing again (and again and again) and you now will need to cross the distance between you and the attacker again to engage the attacker. The obviously safer choice would be to step inside of the circle where the attacker cannot continue to swing and where you have access to your attacker.
After viewing the video, please feel free to contact me through our website Contact Form with any comments or questions.
Thank you for viewing!
Sifu H
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2) Philosophy Of The Week: THE IMPORTANCE OF BELIEF
You cannot manifest in your life, what you do not believe to be possible. All great accomplishments begin with a dream, attached to a positive belief, brought to life by dedication and determination.
by Philip Holder PhD.
Medical Coordinator – BodySmart Wellness
Grandmaster – North American Wing Chun Association
From copyrighted material. Copyright Philip Holder 2016
Grandmaster, North American Wing Chun Association
3) All New – Self-Improvement / Self Help Audio Series
Within the next few weeks we will begin releasing our ALL NEW Self Improvement & Self Help audio series. These audio sessions are designed to help enhance the quality of your happiness, productiveness, relationships, performance and life in general. Some of the first titles to be released are:
Weight Management
Confidence Development
Improving Relationships By Letting Go Of Ego
Choosing To Be Happy
Erase Old Programming That’s Holding You Back
Gratitude and Appreciating Yourself
Let Go Of Fear To Embrace Love
Stress and Worry Don’t Have To Win
And Many More
These programs are designed to help individuals to a healthier, happier life. With the busy schedules that many people have, we thought it important to keep all program sessions to a maximum of a half hour. You owe it to yourself (and those you love), to take care of yourself by taking this brief time for growth, 2 or 3 times a week.
4) What Would Dexter Do
5) Free Online Wing Chun Kung Fu Mini Courses (Hypnotherapy Courses Also Available)
In Wing Chun Kung Fu
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select “Courses: Online & On Location”
Select Online Courses
Select “Free Online Mini Courses”
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Hypnotherapy Courses
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Although BodySmart Wellness LLC/Masters-Center does its best to select only responsible, quality practitioners to operate
their Business and/or practice within its office(s), BodySmart Wellness LLC/Masters-Center and its administrators and staff
take no responsibility for the services provided, claims made by, or ad content of, any providers and/or businesses conducting their
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and/or contributors, authors etc. may not reflect the opinions of BodySmart Wellness LLC/Masters-Center or its administrator and/or staff.
All practitioners except BodySmart Wellness LLC/Masters-Center administrators, Dr. Holder and Dr. Kimelheim,
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