Terms Of Use For Articles, Videos And Other Media And Intellectual Property
Terms Of Use For Materials Written/Authored and/or Produced by Philip Holder, BodySmart Wellness LLC., Masters-Center, or any of the staff or associates. Unauthorized use of this intellectual property and/or copyrighted materials is a crime. Materials on this site are copyrighted and/or from copyrighted materials and are protected by US and International Copyright Law.
We welcome websites of a positive nature and legitimate established online magazines and newsletters of a positive and nature, FaceBook Friends, LinkedIn Connections and other similar social media venues within which we at BodySmart Wellness LLC/Masters-Center participate, to post, print materials, pictures, audio recordings and video recordings from our website, newsletter and/or our Social Media Pages, that have been written or produced by Philip Holder, BodySmart Wellness LLC., Masters-Center, or any of the staff or associates, subject to the following terms:
1. Before posting any of our materials, a “Request To Use”, must be submitted by the person or organization who is requesting to post the article, philosophy, or other intellectual materials. If the request is being made by an organization or business, the request must be made by a person who has authority within that organization to officially make such a request. Our website “Contact Form” can be used to easily facilitate that process.
2. After the author, producer or other authorized representative from BodySmart Wellness LLC/Master’s Center approves the request by responding via email, the article can be posted by the requesting party within the media it was requested for. It cannot be posted anywhere other than the place it was requested for without written approval via a separate request submission.
3. Absolutely NO EDITING may be done to the work.
4. By-Line, any watermark(s) or any other notations present on the original posting by BodySmart Wellness, Master’s Center and/or Philip Holder must remain AS-IS. The “By Line” must be placed properly and appear appropriately.
5. BodySmart Wellness, Master’s Center and/or Philip Holder reserve the right to require any of its intellectual materials, posted by others, to be removed/taken down from a posting, at its sole discretion, without explanation. If such a request is made by BodySmart Wellness/Master’s Center and/or Philip Holder or his/their authorized agent, the material(s) must be taken down within 72 hours of the request.
By making a request to use our materials the party requesting to use the material(s), is agreeing to the terms above. Any unauthorized usage is a violation of USA and International copyright law.
Thank You For Your Interest
BodySmart Wellness LLC.